If you have a dream of writing or a dream of becoming a best-selling author, don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Not loved ones such as family, not friends, not neighbors, not co-workers ... not even your own subconscious mind.
Don’t fall prey to the negative comments or thoughts that can slow you down such as:
“Who do you think you are? Do you really think you can teach somebody else something important?”
“It’s too risky ... don’t do it.”
“You’re too old.”
“You’re too young.”
“You don’t know enough.”
“You a best-seller! Ha!”
Successful people allow NO EXCUSES ... they push through their fears. They train their mind to work toward their goal(s). They turn their fears into fuel.
They ask better questions!
Who most needs the knowledge or information I have or can share?
What is the best writing approach for me?
Who can I work with to achieve my writing goal?
What do I need to do to become a best-seller?
When will I achieve my publishing dream?
Where can I find more resources that will help me to succeed?
We believe in the power of your awesome brain (mind) and spirit to help you achieve. So before you go to bed every night give your brain an assignment so that it works with you as an ally instead of against you.
It might take a few days or weeks for your brain to percolate but all of a sudden the answers will start presenting themselves. You’ll be amazed at the thoughts you will wake up with.
When you step out boldly and ask God, Spirit, or the universe for what you need it starts to show up in unique and sometimes jaw-dropping ways.
When you set your intention, begin to take action, and visualize your satisfaction in a goal achieved it makes a powerful difference in helping you successfully overcome any obstacles you might face.
Intention can be the magic, but taking creative action is what makes the doubts begin to fade.
When the negative thoughts try to creep back in confront them, don’t believe them, just accept them and tell your mind thanks for the input but I am going ahead. Then put the negative thoughts behind you. Focus your mind on what’s next and take additional action.
Write down all your fears (not well-known, scared, no money, someone else is already doing it, etc.).
Get out your Publishing Journal or a sheet of paper and list them now. Once you write them all down you might want to tear the piece of paper into tiny pieces, burn it, or engage in some other ritual to say goodbye to these negative thoughts or fears!
The way to combat fear and negative emotions is to replace them with a positive emotion, feeling, or fact.
The other thing you should do is write down all the positive things that you will feel or experience when you become a published author?
I will feel ...
More Alive
Make your own list!
Hopefully, you only needed a few lines to write down all your fears, but if you are a real worrier that is OK ... take a few more minutes just to get them all out in the light ... so you can confront and conquer!