Legacy is a great reason to write ... and publish!
Today I want to talk about Legacy or leaving a written legacy. Many of you have experiences, wisdom, knowledge, systems, or processes that can help someone else. You have overcome huge obstacles maybe it was something related to health, finances, relationships, family, business, or trauma –– and what you know can be a light for someone who is desperate for help, or answers, or not to feel so alone. These readers are just waiting to read or hear what you have experienced, written then shared. It might be strangers, but believe it or not, it might even be your children, grandchildren, family, or friends.
First, take some time to think about your life. What experiences or skills do you have that someone else needs? What activities have you engaged in regularly that make you a master or expert? It may be related to your business, a side hustle, or a hobby. Remember you don’t have to have ALL the answers. You may be a master at something or you may still be on the journey but you probably have something to share that will help another person. As I (and my team) often say … “You only have to be a chapter ahead.” A little publishing humor here. :-) You just need to know enough to help someone who doesn’t know what you know.
Second, think about if you could help anyone in the world who would you want to help? Would it be children, teens, college kids, young singles, women, men, new parents, moms or dads, seniors, mature singles, or veterans? Who does your soul long to encourage? The more specific you can be the better. Maybe it is some professional, religious or ethnic group or possibly it is related to a cause environmental, social, political, or community. You must get really clear from a writing standpoint because you always want to have a picture of your reader in your mind. It will also be critical when you actually publish and then start to market and sell your book.
Some people have written (or told stories for years) and some are completely new to writing. It doesn’t matter where you fall on the spectrum. Don’t be intimidated by the process I am here to help you. Start by thinking about the things mentioned above and then begin writing. Go back and review other Author Adventure articles for how to do that quickly and efficiently.
This legacy book could be non-fiction, memoir, biography, fiction, children’s, or even a graphic novel. If you have questions about legacy publishing just post in the comments below or email me at publish@lizlawless.com. Here’s to your publishing success.