We are moving away from the older or previously held version of the two-brain approach but I think there is still much to be said for engaging in Creative and Critical Thinking. By no means am I saying that that is all the brain does. New brain research is dispelling old myths and opening the doors to new ways of thinking and it is fascinating what brain scientists and behavioral scientists are uncovering every day and with new technology, we will continue to learn more.
So one of the things I do is take TIME every day to engage my creative and critical thinking skills so that I can strengthen my whole brain thinking approach and switch back and forth faster to solve problems faster.
I believe most of us have a tendency to engage with problems, people, or circumstances from a particular brain point of view (right or left), but we can burn out if we stay in that frame of mind all the time. So I encourage you to engage in creative and critical thinking throughout the day or week as it will help you as you write, edit, publish, and market your books.
Creative Thinking: Allow your imagination to soar.
Engage in brainstorming, journaling, coloring or other artistic activity, dance or listen to music and just feel the rhythm and tone, design or create something new or any other endeavor that encourages your right brain (big picture, visualization, color, emotion, tone, spontaneity, just do it).
Critical Thinking: Evaluate and Question.
Engage in list-making, editing, asking questions, run the numbers, consider the pros and cons, or pursuing all the details of the problem, activity or circumstance or any endeavor that encourages your left brain (details, words, structure, rational, numbers, evaluation, let’s plan it).
Whichever approach you favor is fine there is no right or wrong here just personal preference. However, I bet you have someone in your life that is completely different (spouse, coworker, family, or friend) and if you understand that they have a different brain dominance pattern or brain approach (this might be how they are wired and they are not just doing and saying things to irritate you!!!) you can learn to be more tolerate and laugh about things that use to drive you crazy.
We can also always spend time working on our less dominant side. If you are the creative type maybe you need to spend a little time on critical thinking. If you always lean to the practical and logical first maybe you can add some whimsy or creative activity to your journey. As I say have some fun with this and I bet that if you practice these skills and behaviors you will become more of a whole-brain thinker and ultimately a better writer, editor, publisher, and marketer.
Cheers to this ongoing awesome author adventure.
I would love to hear in the comments if you think you are a left, right, or whole-brain thinker?
If you want a short read on Building Brainpower check out my $3.99 ebook at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004QGYBKY or email me at publish@lizlawless.com if you prefer a pdf copy.
There also is a paperback version for $7.99 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1892324059