Hi Friends … well I know I kind of feel off the positive wagon with my last post about AI and learning new software. After some conversations with a few mentor friends, I am getting over myself and looking to the future and where technology is already taking us.
We either learn new things or we fall behind or get run over. In business it is especially important to understand what is happening in your market so you know how to compete and share your story. AI is already impacting publishing so as authors or publishing consultants we need to jump in.
So we are testing some AI Animation around promotions as well as fiction and non-fiction book development. I will post about the second one in another post but here is one of our AI Animation videos (selfish personal promotion or maybe just the guinea pig). Fun stuff and every revision gets a little better but we are always about progress over perfection. At some point you have to put yourself and your creativity out there. So here we go …
Please share or comment if you have some thoughts about the video or the topic.
To your writing success and remember always be learning.
Creatively, Liz