Publishing as I often say “has a bunch of moving parts”. From the initial inspiration of a topic to the research to the writing to the marketing to the publishing, to the launching, and finally to the selling and distribution, like any industry it is complex and ever-changing.
Even those of us who live and work in it every day must continually seek to learn about the new opportunities. They are showing up all the time and that is what I love about what I do. HOWEVER, publishing is not for the faint of heart. It takes perseverance, dedication, and self-confidence. You have to believe in yourself. It also is a long-term play. You are not going to get rich overnight unless you already have a big list, have a large sum of money to invest, create a solid marketing plan, or offer a valuable upsell that will help your reader achieve some relief or success.
So don’t get frustrated or discouraged if you don’t have all the answers. As a Founding Member (sign up today for one of the last few spots just $997 for lifetime access), you get a free copy of my “Publishing Secrets: A Beginner’s Guide to the Art & Biz of Publishing” to educate yourself about the possibilities so that you can choose the best approach for YOU and to help you keep moving forward. You also will have much more access to me for a much reduced cost.
Starting in June I will be posting Writing articles on Sunday, Publishing articles on Tuesday, and Marketing articles on Thursday. So if you are in that particular part of your journey and you have limited time you can focus your energy on the area where you need the most help. You can always come back and read the other articles in the archives when the time is right, you have some free time or if you find you need them.
Publishing is an exciting journey. The lessons you will learn and the skills you will gain by participating in that journey will be long-lasting. You also will learn many things about yourself that you did not know. Remember you can always post a comment in any free article or email if you have questions.
Publishing is a wonderful journey. Don’t wait. Start today.