15 Questions Potential or Published Authors (You) SHOULD Be Asking
In a previous article, I covered 15 Frequently Asked Questions that I get over and over from new and even writers who have already published traditionally or self-published. Today I want to mention the 15 Questions YOU SHOULD be asking.
Some people know to ask these questions while others do not. So I am posting them here to help you continue on your author adventure. I want you to spend some time pondering the questions and writing out your answers. I will give a more detailed answer to all the questions in a future post.
What does author success look like for me?
How much am I willing to invest in pursuing this author dream?
Who can help me along the way on this journey of being an author?
What are the most common Publishing options and which one is best for me?
Do I want to just have an author career or build a self-publishing business?
What is a Call to Action (CTA)?
What online platform(s) should I put my book on?
Are Amazon categories and keywords similar to Google or other search options?
How many categories and keywords does Amazon allow?
What social media platform(s) should I be using to promote my book?
What is a book marketing Street Team?
Why do I need a Media Kit? Or What the heck is a Media Kit?
How much money can I make writing a book?
What other kinds of products can I create from my book content?
Why is now a great time to write and publish my book?
These are not the only should questions but hopefully, they are things that you can be thinking about regardless of where you are on your author journey. At particular times in your journey you will have to deal with these questions so you might as well be thinking about them now.
You also can create your own list of if they are not listed here or in the 15 Frequently Asked Questions posted previously (go back and read it if you missed it). Also, I am happy for you to post any question in the comments just click on the icon under the title. If any of my articles resonate with you, please like and share that article with anyone you think would be interested in learning more about indie publishing.
To reach me directly just email lizbookcatalyst@gmail.com.
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